Two’s Company, Plus One’s a Crowd - Plus One Series, Book 3


London Davis

She is 27 years old and was born in Ventura, CA, but currently resides in Seattle, WA, with her brother, Seth.

London is a kindergarten teacher, and Seth works.

London’s father is abusive and is currently in jail for beating their mother to death.

Relationship status: single but in love with her best friend, Fin.

Hobbies: kayaking, hiking, spending time with Fin

Finley Blair

He is 28 years old, born and raised in Washington state.

Fin works as a server in a Brazilian steak house and moonlights as a Plus One companion. He used to work as a summer camp director, has his associates from a community college, and hopes to earn his bachelor’s degree and become an outdoor travel director.

Fin’s mother is a recent widow, dealing with insurmountable medical bills from his father’s illness, resulting in his death.

Relationship status: Single and oblivious

Hobbies: kayaking, hiking, anything outdoors. He’s always up for an adventure.